Bengali.AI Competitions

Bengali.AI is constantly pushing the boundaries of Bengali language technologies by hosting exciting research competitions in partnership with national and international academic institutions, industries, and government collaborators. These competitions are designed to expedite the creation of resources and solutions that will revolutionize the field. Competitors are encouraged to experiment with various approaches to surpass our hidden test-sets and document their discoveries in research papers. All solutions are open-sourced to ensure continuity of research and support the field. And let’s not forget about the prize money! It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.

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Bengali.AI Speech Recognition Competition (Jul 2023-Oct 2023)

Task: Speech Recognition
Prizemoney: $53,000
Platform: Kaggle
Prizemoney sponsors: Kaggle and Bengali.AI

Your work in this competition could have an impact beyond speech recognition improvements for one of the world's most popular, yet low-resource languages. You could also provide a much-needed push towards solving one of speech recognition's major challenges, out-of-distribution generalization.

DL Sprint 2.0 - BUET CSE Fest 2023 (Jun 2023-Aug 2023)

Task: Bengali Document Layout Analysis
Prizemoney: $2,000
Platform: Kaggle
Prizemoney sponsors: BJIT

An image segmentation task. Layout object (paragraph, text-box, image and table) segmentation from a large dataset with samples from the last 150 years. A great opportunity to the development of Bangla Optical Character Recognition(OCR) systems.

Apurba presents Bhashabhrom: EEE DAY 2023 Datathon (Feb 2023-Mar 2023)

Task: Bengali Grammatical Error Detection
Prizemoney: $2,000
Platform: Kaggle
Prizemoney sponsors: Apurba Technologies

The objective of the task is to detect substrings that contain grammatical or spelling errors. The participating teams were presented with a comprehensive dataset of 100k sentences that were meticulously annotated at the word-level.

DL Sprint - BUET CSE Fest 2022 (Aug 2022-Sept 2022)

Task: Bengali Automatic Speech Recognition
Prizemoney: $2,000
Platform: Kaggle
Prizemoney sponsors: EBLICT Project, Govt of BD.

The first competition on Bengali ASR modeling. This competition won $5000 from Kaggle as a top community competition for that month.

Bengali.AI Handwritten Grapheme Classification (Dec 2019-Mar 2020)

Task: Multi-class Multi-label Image Classification
Prizemoney: $10,000
Platform: Kaggle
Prizemoney sponsors: Apurba
Cloud compute sponsors: IML

For this competition, you’re given the image of a handwritten Bengali grapheme and are challenged to separately classify three constituent elements in the image: grapheme root, vowel diacritics, and consonant diacritics. ~500k samples in the dataset.

Bengali Handwritten Digit Recognition (May 2018-June 2018)

Task: Image Classification (Digit Recognition)
Prizemoney: $2,000
Platform: Kaggle
Prizemoney sponsors: Apurba
Collaborators: Third Space Research Group, UTorronto; Satyen Bose Science Club, BUET

In this competition, your goal is to correctly identify digits from NumtaDB. Essentially a Bengali MNIST, but harder due to the presence of different domains. The competition was a special track for ICBSLP 2018 conference.